Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finally.. the Final! :-)

yay! made it through another good semester... & to prove its the end, here is my Final Project, my portfolio!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Would Socrates Approve of WebQuests?

I believe that Socrates would of approved in some ways of using WebQuests. Socrates strongly encouraged new and exciting ways to learn. Using a WebQuest in a class, is definitely a new and innovative way to learn. Socrates also liked the idea of asking lots of questions and being able to explore different ways of learning. By doing a WebQuest, a student is able to see many possibilities and ideas for solving a problem. I think that Socrates would of approved of the interesting way learning was being done through and the fact that lots of good questions were being answered and solved.

Irish Dance Presentation... =)

I did my presentation on Irish Dancing. This a topic that not everybody knows about, but that is very interesting to learn about. I have been Irish Dancing since 1995, my Dad has played the bagpipes since 1994, & my Mom, Sister, & whole family are very big into our Irish culture; so I thought this would be a great thing for me to share my knowledge of. This lesson could be taught around St Patricks Day in March, through a unit teaching the Irish culture.

Most of my effects & the music changed when I uploaded it as a GoogleDoc, but here is my PowerPoint Presentation on Irish Dancing...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Video Games.. & Learning?

Gee says that a good video game includes a lot of cognitive learning strategies, that are generally not learned in the classroom. He thinks these strategies should be taught & learned in the class, & that is one of the benefits of a good video game. He says a good video game will not be so easy the player becomes uninterested or bored, & not so hard that they give up.

I see both sides of the big debate on using computer and video games in the classroom, and have an opinion that is basically right in the middle. I know that different skills & strategies can be developed through video games, but I also know that learning can be done as good without playing a game. I have a hard time with them being used because teachers & parents can use them as a babysitter or time filler, & dont always pay 100% attention to what the child is doing. I also feel that some of the skills (like preparing for life outside of school) should be taught by a person, & not a machine. However, I do see the good aspects in how they can be a tool to enhance learning & reach children on a different level.

Scratch can be used in the classroom as a learning tool, to work on already developed skills; such as reviewing spelling words or math problems. The students are also able to learn through the aspect of creating a game, & reviewing the skills needed to know to play the game.

Blogging Activity Thoughts

I thought that the blogging activity with the students was a really neat & great idea. It was impressive to see how well they were able to communicate with us & each other using technology, such as the internet & a blog. I have not been out of school that long, but it still surprises me how much technology has changed & become such a big part of the curriculum. I always had computer classes during school, but we mainly learned how to type & make little projects. We were never allowed to use the internet until we got to High School. But even then, it was very protected & only for research purposes. We were never given the opportunity to blog with another class of students our age or college students! I think if we had blogged, it would of been an enjoyable & good learning experience. My only slight concern would be to always make sure that comments & blog postings are read over by the teacher first, before they are allowed to be posted (like how our comments needed approval). I would probably use blogging with my future class. It is a way for the students to receive more input, opinions, & to learn even more.


Scratch Content Standards:

21C.S.PK-2.1: The student will access, analyze, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in a variety of forms using appropriate technology skills and communicate that information in an appropriate oral, written, or multimedia format.

RLA.6.1.13: Students will spell commonly misspelled words, easily confused words and words with irregular endings across the curriculum.

Here is the Scratch that I choose to Remix:

I decided to change the background color, font type, & size of the cat. This made the scratch look more visually appealing & easier to look at.

Here is the Scratch after I Remixed it:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Irish Dance Presentation

I am trying to upload my Power Point before class, like we are supposed to.. but I do not know how to. It will not let me from the Google Docs & I do not know where else it would get uploaded from or how to do it. I have been trying for awhile now, & I guess I will have to wait to class to do it. sorry!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dr Jenkins - Convergence Culture

Dr Henry Jenkins explains in his video that convergence culture is a mixture of new media with the old. The new media doesn't completely take over, making the old media disappear. Rather, the old and new media blend together to make the new convergence culture.

Convergence culture can be seen by integration of technology into the classroom. Instead of teachers using traditional chalkboards and filmstrips, teachers are now integrating the use of SmartBoards into their classes. These SmartBoards can be used for everything, even for the child to use under the teacher's supervision. By incorporating technology into the classroom, the students are able to learn and understand how to use the different types of media that is out there. This allows them to be comfortable working with technology, which is important in our culture.

Schools restrict the use of technology by not allowing students to use their cell phones, social networking sites, YouTube, or iPods. Under proper supervision, they can be used as different ways to learn and answer questions. They can be a distraction or cause trouble if not used properly, but that is another reason they should be allowed. Students can learn how to properly use these technological tools for learning purposes, by guidance and monitoring done by the teachers. It is important to incorporate technology into the classroom, in all of the different aspects, because students need to learn how to properly use it. Technology is only going to get bigger in our culture, and proper understanding and use of it is essential.


I am going to be doing my presentation on Irish Dancing. This is something I have personally been involved in since I was 10 years old, & can make for a fascinating lesson. I think it could be taught in a classroom during a lesson based around St Patricks Day, & teaching about Ireland & their culture. I have actually did a mini lesson on Irish Dancing with an After School Program (children ages 5-10) & they all loved it!! I hope to teach everyone something new!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Google Form & Graphs

My Google Form Survey:

My Crappy Graph:

My Kid Zone Graph:

Website Validation - Lake Erie Monster Bessie?

Having grown up right by the "home" of the "Lake Erie Monster, Bessie", I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of things the internet had to say about this alleged monster...

The best website I found was This website talks about the Lake Erie Monster; as well as Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs, and Mysterious Water Mammoths. The website states that "The purpose of this website is to capture evidence that lake monsters exist, and that Bessie and her cousins should be studied by professional zoologists and cryptozoologists." Basically, the website is a bunch of urban legends and tall tales put online for people to read about. Dirk Vander Ploeg is the editor and publisher of the website. He doesn't state to have any education or experience in a field to be able to truly determine the existence of these things, but that he simply enjoys learning and talking about them. I would have to say that this website is not credible, based on it all being about alleged sightings and rare species with no scientific evidence backing it up.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

WebQuest Student Example

This is an example of what a student might do when completing the Ireland WebQuest. This WebQuest allows for the student to choose one of several different ways to explain what life was like in Ireland during the year of 1845. I choose to write a diary as if I was a child living in Ireland during this time.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Editing A WebQuest

I am going to be editing a WebQuest I found on Ireland:

The Quest is about imagining you are in 1845 Ireland & are having to leave your homeland to move to a different country. It is a very neat concept for a WebQuest, however it is not very appealing or attention grabbing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When I Become A Teacher...

My PhotoStory is a collection of my own photos &
photos I found online. The photos, along with the quotes,
help explain what I believe being a good teacher is all about... =)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Resume

hopefully you can click here & view my resume...

Ashley's Resume

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Joy of Blogging & Activites

I enjoyed looking at the several different ways teachers used blogs in their classroom. The one that stuck out to me the most was the Room 209 Blog - written and kept running by a Second Grade Class from Chicago, with their teacher moderating (of course!). I admit, at first I clicked on this link [from,] because of pure interest and not really knowing how good it would be...

Question. Get students involved with asking questions.

This might not catch many other people's eyes, but being a vegetarian myself I was interested in knowing what a classroom was wanting to know about it and what people were telling them. Once I started further exploring the blog, I realized what all the class uses this blog for ~ asking questions, discussing ideas and what they are learning about, sharing sources they have used, posting their own poetry, and reflecting on their many different ideas and opinions. I espiecially liked how you could go down the side and see a whole list of questions they have asked people to answer on their blog.

This blog is supporting teaching in a way that the children are being taught many different opinions and about the ways people live, along with getting real answers to their questions. The entire blog supports learning because there are so many various questions being answered for them to read and learn from. Most of the questions were not simply answered with a yes, no, or short explanation... They are answered with detailed descriptions, information, and sometimes explanations of different cultures and ways people live their lives.

By using this blog as a learning tool, a teacher could meet all of the following NETS-T performance indicators :

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:

a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.
b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources.
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.

model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:


design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.

Go check out Room 209's Blog and hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did!
(maybe, you'll even learning something!)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

getting to know me... =)

I am Ashley Kish... & will be Mrs Ashley Malott on September 4th, 2010! <3

I have been with my amazing fiance, Justin Malott, since April 23 2003. I am originally from Vermilion, Ohio & he is from Fairmont, West Virginia. let me quickly explain how we met & came to live here in West Virginia ~ we met & started dating while he was living in Ohio with his Dad. Justin then had to move back to West Virginia in January of 2005 to live with his Mom. we did long distance until May of 2005 when I moved down here & we lived together until December 2005 when I moved home to Ohio. I decided to do this so I could graduate with my Associates in Early Childhood Education, because I was closer to being done in Ohio & could get it quicker then I could in West Virginia. I finally graduated in May 2007 & moved back to West Virginia in June 2007. Justin & I got our second adorable little home, & have lived in it with our two wonderful kitties ever since. On September 4th, 2008 Justin surprised me by planning a weekend trip to Smoke Hole Caverns in West Virginia. as soon as we got settled in the adorable 'Honeymoon Cabin' we were going to be staying in... Justin asked me to marry him & make him happy by becoming his wife!! of course, I said yes!! now, we are happily & excitedly planning our Wedding {to be back home, in Ohio} for September 4, 2010!

I am extremely close to my family, who is all back home in Ohio. I love them much & miss them everyday. I enjoy seeing them as much as I can... they are caring, loving, fun, silly, loud, wonderful & incredibly supportive. when I graduate from Fairmont State, were planning to move back home to Ohio. we will miss Justins family, but I cant wait to be close to my family again!! =)

Most of Justins family is here in West Virginia. they are awesome & have always been like family to me. I cant wait until they are officially my family! :-]

As I mentioned, I graduated with my Associates in Early Childhood Education in May 2007. I took a year off of school after I graduated/moved back here.. but have been back in school since Fall 2008 working towards my Bachelors in Elementary Education. I am hoping to one day teach my own Kindergarten class! :)

I have been working with children all my life, but got my first "job" working with children when I was in 6th Grade. I volunteered for Safety Town (a 2 week Summer program we have in Ohio, that teachers Preschool Children about all different types of safety). I worked this every Summer until 2004. I then got my first Childcare Teacher job in September 2004.. & have worked in Childcares ever since! I was a Preschool Assistant/Lead School Age Teacher at the Vermilion Family YMCA Childcare in Ohio from 2004-May 2005 & January 2006-June 2007. The Lead Toddler Teacher at Bright Beginnings in Fairmont, WV from June 2007-May 2008. I started working at Lasting Impressions Childcare Development Center on the FBI Complex in Bridgeport, WV in May 2008 & have been there since! I love working with children, & I dont think that I could be happy in a job where I was not teaching children.